CISA Publisher represents the Eurowaste section dealing with transfer to the media (books, reports, textbooks, CD, etc) of the wealth of information accumulated throughout activities performed by the University of Padova (in particular in the field of Waste management and Contaminated site remediation) and by IWWG and member scientists.

DETRITUS – Multidisciplinary Journal of waste resources and residues

The journal is aimed at extending the “waste” concept by opening up the field to other waste-related disciplines (e.g. earth science, applied microbiology, environmental science, architecture, art, law, forensic engineering, etc.) welcoming strategic, review and opinion papers. The journal has been named Detritus to convey a truly international flavor (the term derives from Latin) and to appropriately represent the notion of the multidisciplinary journal we intend to develop


Conference Proceedings

IWWG Monograph series

IWWG has established a series of reference books focusing on the aspects of particular interest in the field of waste management.
Contributions for the realization of these texts originate both from papers presented during events organized or promoted by IWWG and from original purpose-written presentations. The overall intent is to make this information promptly available to the waste management community in a concise and organized fashion.
The editors of the monographic volumes are international experts, generally members of the IWWG Scientific Advisory Committee. Editors perform the task of selecting and arranging papers, homogenizing the texts and eventually making constructive suggestions when the original manuscript undergoes significant changes. The responsibility for the technical content of the book lies primarily with the individual Authors.

Conference Proceedings – Past editions

Other Publications (Italian titles)
